Game will take place evening of April 9 (North America time) / morning of April 10 (Asia time).
Neverwinter Connections event calendar link: ... d=15573631
Waycrest is a farming and trading village located on the busy Davrus river. Increased activity by Orcish raiders has forced the Waycrest town council to increase the size of its guard force, establish a local militia, and request the assignment of an Imperial Legion unit to a garrison nearby. Nevertheless, Waycrest is still in desperate need of capable defenders.
...Unfortunately for them, that's not you.
In "The Pillaging of Waycrest" you play an Orcish raider in a position of command in a marauding warband. You've got 30 minutes to compete for a high-score in property damage and theft: burn anything you can't carry! However, the people of Waycrest aren't going to take it lying down...
Signup is open and by character; please create an appropriate Orcish character in your NWC member profile to add to the game (it takes about 10 seconds). Maximum four players total.
Game duration: 1 hour max (including character creation)
Game Info
Requires NWN: Enhanced Edition - Yes
Number of players: 1 to 4
Starting Character level: 10
Character type: Server Vault. PCs will be created on entry and leveled up to 10. Be sure to pick an Orcish portrait and name, and use Half-Orc as the base race. (Your PC's appearance in any case will be changed by the mod)
Server info: Carlo's Server on the Beamdog list; IP address and password will be messaged shortly before gametime
This is a unique multiplayer co-op / competition module, additional rules will be revealed via the in-game journal.