LOE - The Annals
Picking up a mage studying the local fauna, our heroes returned to explore the way into the necromancer's stronghold via the Caverns of Bos, located beneath the ruins. After battling thru waves of the restless dead and stumbling over a trap or two, the battered team decided to fallback and regroup. While resting back in the village inn, assassins broke into the room and nearly laid the whole party low. Fortunately, the durable dwarf prevailed and managed to bandage up and revive his fallen companions. Rifling the bodies, the team looks for clues as to who sent them.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, percephone as Mortimer Measir, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
Players: Klasa as Xavion, percephone as Mortimer Measir, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
The Search for a Necromancer. [09:00 AM 06/12/07]
After reviewing their options, the party decided to venture back into Templewood and explore the ruins of the temple, rumored to hold a lost treasure in the crypts and passages below. After tangling with several packs of werewolves, they found their way into one passage only to be set up by green slime. Steps descended into a pool and the thief volunteered to swim ahead and see what lay beyond.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, percephone as Mortimer Measir, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
Players: Klasa as Xavion, percephone as Mortimer Measir, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
The Search for a Necromancer. [09:00 AM 06/19/07]
Lacking supplies, the party makes several trips back to the village before securing all that is needed to press on with their exploration of the discovered crypt beneath the ruined temple of Templewood.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
The Search for a Necromancer. [09:00 AM 06/26/07]
Stumbling into a band of devilmen after emerging from the flooded passage, the party put up a brief but disorganized resistance before being overpowered. The party awoke, unsure of how much time had passed or even where they were for sure, to find themselves prisoners of the devilmen. The mage fried a guard who came to check on them and the rogue stole out and took a preliminary look at their prison block. What will they do next?
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani
The Search for a Necromancer. [09:00 AM 07/03/07]
Our heroes first attempt to break out of jail ended in failure and they awoke to find themselves once more in the cold dank cell. The Dwarf attacked and slew a Devilman that came to speak to them and for now they've been left to mull over their future.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
The Search for a Necromancer. [09:00 AM 07/10/07]
The team agrees to a series of tests which could lead to their eventual freedom from the Sahaugin. They successfully complete the first two with some effort and prepare for the third and final test.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
The Prisoners [09:00 AM 07/17/07]
Our heroes led an attempted slave revolt against the undead crew with the aid of some lizardmen. Alas, though they managed to overpower the local guards, they were unable to overcome the crew on the upper deck and awoke some hours later, quite black and blue and reshackled in a more secure hold of the ship.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
The Prisoners [09:00 AM 07/31/07]
The undead slavers unloaded their captives into the depths of an underground lair and the party found themselves in yet another small stone cell. From a neighboring prisoner they discover they are on Pirates Isle, a notorious nest of pirates, thieves and assassins under the protection of a powerful wizard. What will the future hold for the band?
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, Raganui as Lian Silani
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, Raganui as Lian Silani
The Prisoners [09:00 AM 08/21/07]
The undead slavers unloaded their captives into the depths of an underground lair and the party found themselves in yet another small stone cell. From a neighboring prisoner they discover they are on Pirates Isle, a notorious nest of pirates, thieves and assassins under the protection of a powerful wizard. What will the future hold for the band?
Players: Buckley as Buckley, Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
Players: Buckley as Buckley, Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Lian Silani,
The Escape. [09:00 AM 08/28/07]
After breaking out of their cell, the party killed the lone guard on patrol in their cell block and successfully pried open a grate leading into the rocky tunnels serving as a natural sewer for the fortress. Though naked and unarmed they managed to fend off or dispatch various oozes and vermin living below and stumbled upon a long lost pirates hoard while looking for a way out of the caverns. In a tough fight they managed to smash up the skeletal guardians and set upon looting the chests and crates. Alas, in his eagerness, the wizard tripped an electrical trap which turned him to ash and nearly took the thief along with him. Fortunately, the priest was able to use his gods powers to stabilize the rogue. Sadder, but wiser, the survivors allowed the thief to do his work and the hoard was finally theirs without further incident. Rearmed and resupplied the party ponders its next move as they rest around a small fire.
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Rarin Alow,
Players: Klasa as Xavion, Piddle as Rhon Axebasher, pliny as Rigid Digir, Raganui as Rarin Alow,