(Cross-posted from Neverwinter Vault)
Putting out a DMFI multiplayer base mod for NWN:EE builders has been somewhere towards the middle of my to-do list for a while, but lately I’ve seen a few things around the community that indicate there is demand for it, and sooner rather than later. Having just released the multiplayer Amee Pass mod, I plan on taking a couple days away from building, then putting out version 1.0 of the base mod by March 2nd.
What the builder package is intended to be and include:
– An way for people to get started building their own MP campaign mod, or other mod where they want multiplayer tools and resources, out-of-the-box
– Standard pre-installed DM/Player tools (DMFI 1.09 Wands and Widgets)
– Include no-hak and CEP 2.x versions of the base mod
– Multiple rulesets that are configurable (both in the toolset and in-game by a DM) - resting systems, bleeding/death/respawn systems
– Common toolset resources relevant to building for multiplayer (such as the SEI sitable placeables, Abaddon’s Descriptive Triggers, etc.)
– Full documentation that allows novice builders to use the mod
– Links to recommended additional resources, especially prefab areas that can be easily imported into the base mod, and some of the more broadly useful additional script systems such as encounter/spawner ones.
– Streamlined and light footprint (to the extent possible). It should be easy for builders to add their preferred additional script systems and haks, rather than be forced to figure out how to rip out what they don’t want. They should be able to just ignore “extra” content without it causing an issue.
What it is NOT intended to be or include:
– “Complete” systems (even if excellent ones) with a heavy footprint across mod event handlers and that include install requirements that give little flexibility to the builder for their own changes, especially a novice one.
– Everything on the Vault that is cool: this is not an exercise in seeing how much awesome content can be packed into one mod.
– Systems that have their own lengthy documentation. This is somewhat subjective, but anything that takes 5-6+ pages (say) to understand will probably confuse the average person who just wants to get on with building areas. Probably should be included in the links section
– Tailored for advanced builders. If you fall into this category, I’m assuming that you’ve already configured your own personal base mod and tweaked everything lovingly so it works together.
– An extensive prefab “campaign kit” or “soundstage” for DMs to use out-of-the-box. This is an interesting idea that has come up again in recent discussions, but it deserves its own treatment, and probably could be done better by someone else.
I’d welcome thoughtful suggestions for additional community/Vault resources to include, both in terms of scripting and in-game, that people have had positive experiences with using. I’ll plan to take a look at this over the next 2-3 days, let it marinate, and start cooking towards the end of the week.