The party has finished their meeting at Thessar's house and it is early afternoon on Tarsakh 4.
For this afternoon, Njord had previously made appointments with the leadership of the temple of Gond (at hour 15) and Tymora (at hour 17). After dark, the party is expected by Sorenth Gorender, the representative of the Lord of the Crypt, at the Purple Lady in West Gate district. And two hours before midnight is when the anti-Night King allies will reconvene at Thessar's in the Shore, before the planned raid on the Vhammos catacombs at midnight.
Westgate: May 19 session
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
Server is up at, in the cloud. Also listed on Beamdog as "Carlo's Server", as usual.
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
For some reason... Not sure why, Aerikoth is not showing up when I join the server.
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
I moved your character over, but will double-check
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
Aerikoth is showing as in the vault. Do you see any characters? Make sure you're logging in as "Jaokith".
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
Did you use a capital "J" for Jaokith because I log in as jaokith with a lower case... would that be the reason?
Re: Westgate: May 19 session
yes. Your server vault has a capital J folder. I'll duplicate it with a lowercase j.