Conversation at the Old Beard Tavern, middark Tarsakh 5
Lloria just sighs and shakes her head. "Th'world is much larger than jus' Wes'gate. Ferge' abou' any Harpers in or aroun' Westgate tha' migh' suffer from blacklash, consider tha' y'may be earnin' enemies wi'an organization tha' is large an' secretive an' also presen' all o'er. If y'go through wi' this y'may fin' yerself unwelcome all o'er th'continen'. T'which I'll then sugges', why implicate anyone a't'all? A successful raid will leave all th'witnesses dead. Le' them guess who is t'blame an' scratch their heads until we hack them off."
Re: Conversation at the Old Beard Tavern, middark Tarsakh 5
"Is that route you wish to take then?" Aerikoth looked back at Lloria and then to the others gathered. "To not leave anything?" The wizard asked calmly looking between all of them and waiting for them to respond. "I personally do not care either way but if we are to implicate someone then I think our best choice is with the ones this letter indicates."