Timeline of Events
Eleint (9th month), 1372
10 - A group of adventurers, calling themselves the "Six Points Adventuring Company", agree to take an assignment for Baron Pahar to guard Amee Pass. It consists of: Aerikoth Ankharat, Reijn d'Auric, Gumble, Flavius Arcus, Durendin Ironhelm and Drakar Hutark.
They discover Pahar's forces destroyed and the Pass overrun. The company decides to press forward, defeating Sess goblin tribe forces in the pass.
The Company arrives at a darkened forest, where it defeats a group of undead servitors. They descend into an underground ruin, where they defeat the necromancer Zagath. Pahar's baronial guard and the High Cleric Carlin arrive and guide them back to Westgate.
Marpenoth (10th month), 1372
17 - Reijn d'Auric leaves the company; Jamorin Gellantara joins the company; first encounter with Melissa and her bandits.
19 - Encounter with Sess goblin chief Harakkah in Amee Pass; truce offer made by chief to Baron Pahar.
21 - Company acquires lodging at the Gatereach Inn and meets Jandrico Swift; first meeting with Thessar the Warrior; introduction of Rahnee Roaringhorn; departure of Drakar and Flavius from the company.
23 - Company parleys with Harakkah in Amee Pass.
25 - First meeting with Jamal; introduction of Brok-Tul; company agrees to assist Pahar against an invasion by the self-styled "Duke" Hallton; first encounter with Gondeth.
29 - Durendin leaves the company.
30 - Gumble leaves the company; meeting with Iono, Castle Thalavar steward; assignment of Thalavar guards to accompany the adventurers to Glees village in Pahar's barony; introduction of Aratae.
Uktar (11th month), 1372
1 - Battle with Hallton forces in the Glees fields.
2 - Company ambushes Hallton camp and is repelled; death of Jamorin and Brok-Tul; Hallton forces defeated at Glees; Brok-Tul raised by High Cleric Carlin.
3 - Baron Pahar rewards company for their actions at Glees.
4 - Aratae departs the company for his home village of Tallwell.
5 - Meeting with Iono regarding the Fire Knives threat to House Thalavar and the murder of Captain Yar; introduction of Jokull of Arabel and Marik Tann; Gatereach guest house leased by the company.
6 - Janatha first encountered at the Gatereach Inn; Jamorin's ancient tome passed to Gondeth for study.
7 - Meeting with Westgate merchant Shalush Myrkeer; Bedine mercenary Khair first encountered at the Black Eye tavern; meeting with Jamal at the Empty Fish; Sewers explored for clues to Captain Yar's death.
8 - Blue Banner Inn, the headquarters of House Bleth, scouted by Aerikoth, Marik and Jokull.
9 - Rahnee's dinner at the Blue Banner with Shalush Myrkeer.
10 - Scouting of Cormaeril Vale; first visit to the Quivering Thumb arena; Senthur Signe, Sembian representative to Westgate, is murdered.
11 - Rahnee's meeting with Bleth Seneschal Hull at the Blue Banner.
13 - Aerikoth's test with House Bleth; night encounter with Istvan Cormaeril.
14 - Meeting with Jamal at the Rising Raven Annex; introduction of her to Marik.
15 - First meeting with Garis, a House Thalavar agent, at the Old Beard inn.
16 - Interview with Commander Meynn of the City Watch regarding the death of Senthur Signe.
18 - Meeting at Gondeth's regarding the contents of Jamorin's tome, with Jamal present.
19 - First expedition to Seven Hills area.
20 - Jokull (as "Josurr") has his first fight at the Quivering Thumb arena, against a snow cat.
21 - Company accepts evil magic items from House Thalavar for transport to Baron Pahar in Turnton.
23 - Company registers with Varen Malavahn at the Mercenaries Guild, using the name "Helm's Shadows"
24 - Encounter with the fugitive Klendt at the abandoned watchtower; Marik is killed by Night Mask agents during battle.
25 - After purchase of a magical scroll, Marik is raised by Brok-Tul.
26 - Marik robs the company and flees Westgate; Veran Bron, monk of Kelemvor, introduced to company by Garis at the Old Beard.
28 - Company travels to Amee Pass, has an encounter under truce with fleeing Sess goblins.
30 - Jokull (as "Josurr") defeats the Sembian Blademaster in a duel at the Quivering Thumb; he then kills five thugs in an ambush at a River Gate sewer entrance and finds an IOU on one of them from a "Rancel".
Nightal (l2th month), 1372
1 - Company confronts the gnome Rancel at the "Black Boot" in River Gate.
2 - Encounter with Hill Giant and wolf companion in hills south of Trader's Road, from Mercenaries Guild contract; meeting with The Vulture at Gatereach guest house.
3 - Rahnee, Brok-Tul and Jokull discover the burnt-out "Hidden House", formerly a temple to Leira.
4 - Boarded "Mermaid's Lance" bound for Urdo island, part of Mercenaries Guild contract; introduction of Velduin Leafwalker; encounter with Gonzo.
5 - Company departs Urdo island, ship attacked by Gonzo.
7 - Meeting at Gondeth's about Red Wizard in Westgate.
8 - Velduin leaves the company.
10 - Members of the company, joined by questing paladin Fuke Strongheart, find lost chamber of Ashnakzeroth in the Seven Hills; Jokull (as "Josurr") defeats barbarian warrior Ru'allah in the Quivering Thumb arena.
11 - Company revisits Ashnakzeroth's chamber, this time with Aerikoth.
13 - Thessar rescues Brok-Tul from a brawl at Lilda's Festhall.
14 - Company defeats a group of pirates holed up east of Westgate, for a Mercenaries Guild contract; discovers that the Hidden House has been purchased by Seriawan of Teziir.
15 - Rahnee proposes to Brok-Tul.
16 - Company returns to the eastern coastal area, discovering that the empty pirate ship previously there is now gone.
20 - Jokull (as "Josurr") kills Gagh in the Quivering Thumb arena.
21 - Thessar meets with Rahnee, Brok-Tul, Jokull and Veran to tell them how to find Clan Ironhelm in the Giant's Run Mountains. Aerikoth remains behind in Westgate.
22 - The four companions arrive in Reddansyr, meet Ian Gryphonhawk.
23 - The four arrive in Mountaingate and meet the inn proprietor, Allie; they gain an audience with Clan Ironhelm.
26 - Results of Gondeth's research on Ashnakzeroth shared; the company, with the exception of Jokull, journeys to Turnton.
27 - Company explores Amee Pass, encountering a Sess goblin scout.
28 - Company arrives in the Darkened Forest, finding the entrance to Zagath's underground lair sealed; Jokull rejoins the group in Turnton.
29 - Encounter with Melissa and her summoned skeletal warriors; Melissa and Veran are slain in battle; Veran is raised by High Cleric Carlin in Turnton.
30 - Melissa is raised by Carlin; Company returns to the Gatereach in Westgate and renews their lease on the guest house.
Hammer (1st month), 1373
1 - Company departs for Teziir with Janatha; encounters Losifan Urdo's group at Reddansyr crossroads.
2 - Company arrives in Teziir, is given tour of the city by Janatha. First meeting with Queron Ulanthar.
3 - Meeting with Thyxlys Jon, Grand Cleric of the Temple of Helm; candidates for Westgate Croamarkh are publicly announced: Audara Imryth, Lord Scirkas Urdo and Lord Kargerth Cormaeril.
4 - Company volunteers to assist a caravan attacked by bandits; the lady Marise is rescued.
5 - Company visits the Sailor's Fancy tavern, hoping to attract the attention of an agent of the Diviner.
6 - Meeting with the Diviner Isyio in the Temple of Azuth in Teziir.
7 - Encounter with Marise and Seriawan.
8 - First meeting with new cook and helper Goruna at the Gatereach.
9 - Aerikoth, remaining in Westgate, discovers Red Wizard is working for House Cormaeril; others interview Melissa in Turnton.
10 - Jokull defeats an owlbear at the Quivering Thumb arena; Dwyvar Ironhelm arrives with a message from his clan regarding Ashnakzeroth and presents the company with a gift.
11 - Jokull departs the company, pursuing Wielund Cormaeril to Marsember in Cormyr; Belle introduced to the company, arriving with a package for Veran from the temple of Oghma in Reddansyr.
13 - Meeting with Melissa in Turnton; she joins the company in order to guide them to one of Ashnakzeroth's towers.
15 - Battle with manticores at Reddan River bridge; battle with guardians inside Ashnakzeroth's tower; company finds cold magic gem.
16 - Aerikoth determines gem is an unusual version of a lich's phylactery and the company seizes it; activation of portal in tower using blood magic; death of Rahnee and Veran in battle with Ashnakzeroth at his citadel; the company enters a portal to the citadel of Clan Ironhelm, where High Priest Iskar raises Rahnee and Veran.
17 - Prince Dalgan rewards the company for their victory over Ashnakzeroth; they depart the citadel and stop at Mountaingate before continuing on to Reddansyr.
20 - Battle with trolls near the Reddan River bridge.
21 - Rahnee is kidnapped by bandits, then rescued by the company, having been thrown down an old forest well outside of Reddansyr.
22 - Shared dream in Ashnakzeroth's gem.
24 - High Cleric Carlin conducts the Ritual of the Hand in Turnton, destroying Ashnakzeroth's gem; Melissa is rendered comatose from the ritual and is taken by Carlin to Teziir; Aratae's head in a box is presented, having arrived with a warning note to the company; company travels to Glees and kills a group of giant beetles in the village fields.
25 - Battle with manticores on the trail to Tallwell; company finds Aratae's family, the Winnfalls, at Tallwell.
26 - Brok-Tul uses Speak with Dead on Aratae's head; Veran presides over Aratae's funeral ceremony; Aerikoth departs using a spell; remainder of company battles Hallton soldiers attempting to burn down the Winnfall home; Rahnee is killed and then raised by Brok-Tul's use of a magic scroll; Brok-Tul, Veran and Rahnee decide to attack Hallton Manor; Brok-Tul and Veran are killed, Rahnee barely escapes.
27 - Jokull returns to Westgate; Darrow Ironhelm introduced to Rahnee and Belle in Turnton.
28 - Company reunites in Westgate; Aerikoth presents Rahnee with the deed to the Hidden House.
29 - Company travels to Glees and meets up with a squad of Pahar's baronial guard.
30 - Company and baronial guard assault Hallton Manor, killing Hallton and his guards; heads of Brok-Tul and Veran found on pikes; company returns to Westgate with a possibly magical trunk and is introduced to Dinendal Calefas.
Alturiak (2nd month), 1373
2 - Aerikoth teleports to Teziir with Rahnee, Darrow and Dinendal; meeting with Thyxlys Jon at the temple of Helm; Jokull meets with Jamal about the Red Wizard.
3 - Meeting with Queron Ulanthar in Teziir; the four teleport back to Westgate; Rahnee pays Khair to investigate who in Westgate is threatening the company.
4 - Company travels to Turnton, where the remains of Brok-Tul and Veran are interred; meeting with High Cleric Carlin.
5 - Dinendal is struck down by the Hand after touching it.
6 - Company agrees to accept rule over Hallton's former lands and assistance from Pahar's soldiers; upon their arrival in Westgate, they discover the Gatereach guest house has burned down.
7 - Aerikoth magically locates Hallton's trunk at Castle Cormaeril.
8 - Aerikoth's familiar Zeluth delivers note to the Red Wizard; Gondeth's shop is discovered to be closed; company ambushes Red Wizard in the Seven Hills.
9 - Meeting with Jamal; Jokull's planting of evidence on the Red Wizard's body is revealed, along with an unexplained change that purported to show that Houses Cormaeril and Thalavar had supported the Thayan; visit to Hidden House; appearance of Madrigal Roaringhorn.
10 - Company decides to depart for Clan Ironhelm, to assist Darrow in exploring the Deeper Delves.
11 - Meeting with the Scarlet Company mercenaries in Reddansyr.
12 - Introduction of Khalen, who had been part of a group attacked by bandits and was now seeking revenge in Teziir; Jokull stays behind in Reddansyr while the company travels to Teziir; meeting with priest in temple of Azuth; bandits attack Aerikoth, Khalen, Darrow and Dinendal in the Point district.
13 - Company arrested by the Teziir City Watch; after a hearing, they are fined for not reporting the bandit attack; Khalen meets with the diviner; Aerikoth discovers that Melissa has vanished from the temple of Helm; dinner with Queron Ulanthar.
14 - Khalen departs the company; the company heads for Ironhelm, spending the night in a magical hut conjured by Aerikoth.
15 - Company arrives at Ironhelm, finding the gates shut to all outsiders; after waiting several hours, they are admitted to an audience with Prince Dalgan; meeting with High Priest Iskar regarding Dalgan's mysterious sickness.
16 - Company descends to the Deeper Delves, discovering an ancient chamber of Ashnakzeroth; the axe "Haelgrim" is found by Darrow; triumphant return to the clan citadel.
17 - Audience with Dalgan followed by a meeting with Iskar; it is announced that Darrow will have the honor of bearing Haelgrim for three months; encounter with mercenaries at the Mountaingate Inn.
19 - Company arrives in Teziir, is informed by Queron Ulanthar that his daughter Janatha is missing.
20 - Meeting with the informant Reggius regarding Janatha; Aerikoth turns Reggius into a toad.
21 - Reggius attempts to kill Aerikoth after being restored to human form and is slain; Queron banishes the company from Teziir.
22 - Aerikoth teleports to Westgate while the others search for the lodge where Janatha was kidnapped; Aerikoth meets with Khair.
23 - Company reunites in Reddansyr; introduction of Dermot Kenner, who had traveled from Teziir with news of Janatha; encounter with Guldar Company caravan on Trader's Road.
24 - Company, minus Dinendal, meets with Khair to obtain information on the ship where Janatha is being held; the four adventurers go to the Shore district and take the "Black Dragon" by storm, although Rahnee and Dermot are severely wounded in the fight; Shanni Krowe is rescued from the ship's hold.
25 - Aerikoth is interviewed about the burning down of the Gatereach guest house by Watch Commander Meynn; raid on the Astorians' house near the Rising Raven.
26 - Rahnee departs for Waterdeep with her wizard brother Madrigal; Dinendal sets out for Cormyr; the remainder of the party takes passage on the Sea Sprite for Starmantle; they discover Errend the stowaway on board and pay for his passage; arrival at Starmantle.
27 - Cryptic note left under Shanni's door at the Vulture's Roost; Interview with Barzog at the jailhouse; encounters with Helten at the Muddy Ogre and Helga at the Rusty Cutlass, leading to Darrow proposing a pit fight the following eve to resolve their situations.
28 - Darrow's fight night at the Rusty Cutlass.
29 - Barzog is released into the care of the company; Rahnee rejoins the party at the Vulture's Roost; Embarkation on the slaver ship The Blind Man.
30 - Arrival at Slaver Isle; Tuli is encountered in the cavern beneath the underground stream; Kain Graves joins the party; Party defeats the slavers, leaving only Pincer and Red Ortho alive.
Ches (3rd month), 1373
1 - The Blind Man departs the slaver isle and arrives at Westgate; Red Ortho is killed by something in the harbor while trying to escape; Kain Graves disappears after finding a scroll.
2 - Clandestine meeting with Losifan Urdo at the Gatereach Inn; encounter with hill giants on Traders Road.
3 - Exploration of the forest around the Astorians’ lair; Dermot tracks a white stag; assault on the lair and Janatha’s rescue.
4 - Janatha is returned to Queron Ulanthar in Teziir
Westgate Campaign: Timeline
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
Please note that the timeline will be updated as the relevant events are documented in the Campaign Chronicles. As of this writing, it is now the night of Ches 1, 1373.
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
The timeline has now been updated through Ches 4, 1373, the current campaign date.
- Dragonstar
- Veteran Poster
- Posts:91
- Location:Michigan, USA
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
Could this be made a topic permanently at the top of our forum? Please feel free to delete this post regardless. Thanks.
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
Unfortunately these boards don't give me the option of stickying a topic. What I can do is update it in the future with more regularity. Also need to update the Campaign Chronicles, when I have the necessary time/energy/motivation.
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
Anytime. You should have full moderator powers in this forum, Carlo. For some reason, making you the moderator didn't give you those powers, I had to manually give them to you. Anyway, let me know if you need anything else and you can delete my posts to keep the thread clean.
- Dragonstar
- Veteran Poster
- Posts:91
- Location:Michigan, USA
Re: Westgate Campaign: Timeline
*blows a kiss at Gulfwulf* Thanks, GW, and to you as well, Charles.