The Cast
Here's a list of those characters which have participated in the campaign thus far. Time is the session numbers they were in, or when current members joined.
Past Members
Name Race Class Time Player
Kaden Lowter Hu Monk 1 Vintace
Traveled to Kendal Keep with the others, but decided to study with Brother Martin, rather than go adventuring.
Silk Drost Ho Rogue 1 to 3 Raganui
Traveled to Kendal Keep with the others and served as a scout in missions into the swamps to catch frogs, but disappeared shortly thereafter.
Shady Gn Sorceror 1 to 3 Boomer
Traveled to Kendal Keep with the others and provided magical support in missions into the swamps to catch frogs, but disappeared shortly thereafter.
Gerico Hu Bard 3 Ward
An ecentric bard who joined the party briefly during a mission into the swamps to catch frogs, but wandered off elsewhere afterwards.
Rynn Hu Rogue 1 to 7 Rosietreats
Traveled to Kendal Keep with the others and served as the primary scout during missions into the swamps and initial forays into the Caves of Chaos. Disappeared with the green dragon egg the party found in the Kobalds caverns. Party later learned she joined a caravan bound for Freeport. Attempts to contact her magically were unsuccessful. Divinations cast by Brother Ambercombie at Kendal Keep revealed she was dead.
Frim Fram Gn Wizard 5 to 7 David O
Met the party on the Eastern Road and signed on to provide magical support on several missions into the swamps. Moved on after that.
Ella Illumani Ho Druid 9 to 11 Faramac
Met the party at Kendal Keep. Accompanied a couple of forays into the Caves of Chaos, then wandered off.
Ute Gudmund Hu Cleric 8 to 20 mannedoc
Meet the party on the Eastern Road and accompanied numerous missions into the Caves of Chaos, before moving on.
Springcap Pumpkin Gn Wizard 17 to 21 Mirgalen
Meet the party on the Eastern Road and accompanied a mission or two into the Caves of Chaos, before moving on.
Kali Shortwick Ho Fighter 22 to 23 Whimsical Wail
Met the party at Kendal Keep and joined one foray into the Caves of Chaos before wanderinf off.
Gwenyth Elendiir El Ranger 27 to 28 MetalTree
Met the party in the Mysterious Tower and accompanied them back to the Keep. Wandered off after that.
Barrin Khavic Dw Fighter 7 to 31 Gulfwulf
Joined the party at Kendal Keep on a number of missions into the Caves of Chaos and the Mysterious Tower before deciding to take a job as a caravan guard and move on.
Eli Knowland Hu Wizard 9 to 31 felrisen
Joined the party at Kendal Keep on a number of missions into the Caves of Chaos, the Mysterious Tower and ill-fated Dragon Hunt before deciding to move on.
Rolo Underfoot Ho Rogue 8 to 35 David O
Joined the party at Kendal Keep and worked with them on missions into the Caves of Chaos, the Mysterious Tower and the Dragon Hunt. Disappeared just before the party left for Freeport.
Morkas Delnore Dw Rogue 36 to 40 neddy
Met the party at the Adventures Guild in Freeport and accompanied them on some initial forays into the Crypts beneath the Old Cemetary. Wandered off during one foray and not seen again.
Current Members
Name Race Class Time Player
Grumni Hammersmith Dw Cleric 1 Anders Soth
An initial member of the party. Traveled to Kendal Keep by caravan, assisted in the clearing of the Caves of Chaos and the Mysterious Tower. Member of the ill-fated Dragon Hunt. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
Rand Colds Hu Fighter 1 tampamac2002
An initial member of the party. Traveled to Kendal Keep by caravan, assisted in the clearing of the Caves of Chaos and the Mysterious Tower. Member of the ill-fated Dragon Hunt. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
Solithar Hu Barbarian 36 Mirgalen
Joined the party in Freeport. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
Garmalkin Polychronopoulos Gn Wizard 37 Hydrosstic
Joined the party in Freeport. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
Dranko the Bonewright Ho Wizard 40 Dogar
Joined the party in Freeport. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
Amos Hu Rogue 44 Valas
Met the party while they were exploring the Ancient Crypts of Freeport. Currently seeking a mask in the Ancient Crypts of Freeport.
The Cast
- Karvon
- Profile
- Joined:Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:23 pm
- Location:Japan
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